Questions & Answers


What is Liminal School?

Liminal School is an online learning platform designed for curious minds navigating the uncertainty of the Time Between Worlds. We provide a unique learning experience that embraces self-directed exploration of interdisciplinary studies in an easy-to-digest format, without the constraints of formal academia. Our content covers a wide range of the following topics, but in an applied, real-world setting:

While the topics listed may sound dry and academic, we cover them all in bite-sized, easy-to-digest real-world knowledge, without using any of the complex phrases you've just read here 😄

Who is Michael Haupt?

Michael Haupt is the visionary founder of Liminal School. Uniquely qualified to guide individuals through the Time Between Worlds, Michael's journey is marked by an out-of-body experience and more than two subsequent decades of studying with masters across various disciplines.

What makes the curriculum at Liminal School unique?

Our curriculum is crafted for autonomous learners, emphasizing self-directed learning and the Socratic Method. It encourages exploration across diverse fields and the synthesis of knowledge.

What is the Socratic Method, and how is it used at Liminal School?

The Socratic Method is a form of collaborative argumentative dialogue to stimulate critical thinking. At Liminal School, it is integrated into our curriculum to encourage profound dialogues and reflective discussions with those in your close circle. We also offer an online space to engage with others who have taken Liminal School programs.

Is Liminal School all about Personal Transformation, Inner Work and Consciousness Raising?

No. Liminal School offers programs for those who have done extensive inner work already. We start with the assumption that you have already (or are in the process of) clearing the emotional baggage and conditioning that often stops us from expressing our true authentic selves. 

Then what does Liminal School offer?

The deep inner work journey is important, AND very few of these programs offer an in-depth understanding of "the system that determines our behavior" (Donella Meadows, Leverage Points - Places to Intervene in a System.) What this means is that once you have done the inner work, you may still be unaware of how much your thinking and behavior is determined by "the system." This can sometimes lead to disappointment and frustration that the deep inner work alone didn't lead to the deep transformation desired.

So, while Liminal School does lead to deep awareness and dare we say it shifts in consciousness, our focus is on your worldview, rather than healing. Both are required to successfully navigate the Time Between Worlds.

How can I enroll at Liminal School?

To enroll in Liminal School, simply visit our learning portal and create an account.  Once you have created an account, you will have access to all of our resources.

Is Liminal School only for individuals with specific backgrounds or expertise?

No, Liminal School welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and expertise. Our community values intellectual diversity, and our curriculum is designed to accommodate a wide range of interests.

Can I explore multiple disciplines simultaneously at Liminal School?

Absolutely. Our curriculum encourages interdisciplinary exploration, allowing learners to connect seemingly unrelated fields and foster a holistic understanding of knowledge.

How does Liminal School address the challenges of societal transformation?

Liminal School is committed to helping individuals navigate the confusing times during societal transformation. Our multidisciplinary approach and visionary insights provide valuable tools for understanding the evolving landscape.

Are there mentorship opportunities at Liminal School?

Yes, Liminal School offers mentorship by seasoned educators and industry experts. Our mentors guide those navigating the uncertainty of the Time Between Worlds, providing support, insights, direction, and encouragement.

Are there opportunities for sponsorship at Liminal School?

At present, we don't yet offer scholarships, but we hope to do so by mid-2024. If you would like to contribute towards scholarships, please reach out to

How does Liminal School contribute to societal evolution?

Through our curriculum, community, and commitment to understanding the Time Between Worlds, Liminal School aims to contribute positively to societal evolution by fostering systems thinking, ethical considerations, and the exploration of diverse perspectives.

More specifically, all Liminal School profits go towards the Valley of Grace project in South Africa, which is a living laboratory of societal transformation among 20,000 denizens who live in the valley.

Can I connect with Liminal School on social media?

Yes, you can connect with us on LinkedIn. We generally avoid other social media platforms Follow us for updates, discussions, and a glimpse into the vibrant community at Liminal School.

Is there a community forum or discussion platform for students?

Yes, Liminal School hosts a community forum and discussion platform on, where learners can engage in conversations, share insights, and collaborate with fellow thinkers. A registration link is provided when completing any of our programs.

To enroll in Liminal School, simply visit our learning portal and create an account.
Once you have created an account, you will have access to all of our resources.