During turbulent times, Give the Gift of Understanding


the perfect gift for young adults
navigating an uncertain future


The Roadmap for a Time Between Worlds

4 Minute Overview

Meet Michael Haupt, creator of The Roadmap for a Time Between Worlds

A Time Between Worlds in history

A Time Between Worlds is a period of time marked by significant and transformative change that fundamentally alters the course of human history. It is a critical juncture that marks a shift to a new level of complexity, organization, and understanding.

While the long-term impact might be positive, it can also lead to unforeseen challenges and disruptions that require adaptation and resilience.

The human race has experienced 4 periods of a Time Between Worlds, and we're now in the middle of the fifth.

A Sensible Guide for turbulent times

Gift the Roadmap for a Time Between Worlds

Gen-Y and Gen-Z know they're in a Time Between Worlds.

What they don't know is how to cope during these turbulent times. 

As a concerned parent, you often feel lost and unable to provide guidance.

👈 That's where this roadmap can help your adult children.

✅ 9 journeys of bite-sized, online learning;

✅ Short video content, case studies, practical tools, applied learning exercises;

✅ A supportive community of like-minded peers during the journey;

✅ On completion, an introduction to the Transition Collective: a robust ecosystem of visionary thinkers and doers all committed to navigating The Time Between Worlds;

✅ Everything a young adult needs to navigate the times when the deep structures and codes of civilization themselves are in flux;

Peace of mind for mum and dad that their young adult is well-equipped for the future, come what may. 

A Gift Certificate for

The Roadmap for a Time Between Worlds

is the ideal gift for young adults.

The Gift Certificate is delivered as a 2-page PDF, which you can either print out or forward via email.

Gift Certificate Options

We have four pricing options to make the Roadmap as accessible as possible to all. 

Your purchase also supports the Transition Collective - the global ecosystem developing transition pathways for a Time Between. The recipient will be invited into the Transition Collective on completion, where they will meet other inspiring individuals committed to navigating a Time Between Worlds. 

All 4 gift options provide the exact same content for the recipient.

Clicking on any order button will open a new window.
Your order will be securely processed by Stripe.com.

Certificates contain a unique code which can only be used to create one Liminal School learning account.
Certificates are delivered to your email address within 48 hours.

All Certificates are covered by our no-questions-asked 30-day guarantee.

100% Risk Free

30 Day Money Back


The recipient can take 30 days to go through all nine journeys. If you or the recipient are not completely satisfied—for any reason whatsoever—just send us an email and you’ll receive a full and immediate refund.

Platinum Certificate - $295

Includes a $200 contribution to the Transition Collective, the ecosystem for a Time Between Worlds.

Gold Certificate - $245

Includes a $150 contribution to the Transition Collective, the ecosystem for a Time Between Worlds.

Silver Certificate - $195

Includes a $100 contribution to the Transition Collective, the ecosystem for a Time Between Worlds.

Bronze Certificate - $95

Does not include a contribution to the Transition Collective, the ecosystem for a Time Between Worlds.

All certificates are delivered to your email address within 48 hours and are covered by our no-questions-asked 30-day guarantee.

The Creator: Michael Haupt

As a synthesizer, writer, international speaker, and coach, Michael helps business leaders and individuals be creative, productive, and successful during a Time Between Worlds.

For over two decades, Michael Haupt has been a dedicated student of life, studying under a diverse array of masters. His journey has taken him from the teachings of indigenous elders and spiritual leaders to the insights of evolution biologists, systems scientists, heterodox economists, philosophers, and social artists. In the company of misfits and visionaries, Michael has cultivated a rich tapestry of knowledge that transcends the traditional limitations of "mainstream" thinking.


Frequently Asked Questions

For How Long is the Gift Certificate Valid for?

The Certificate must be claimed within 60 days of the date of purchase, by creating an account on our learning platform, Teachable. Full instructions are included on the Certificate. Once the account is created, the recipient has lifetime access to the material.

What Exactly is the Roadmap for a Time Between Worlds?

Liminal School's Roadmap for a Time Between Worlds, created by Michael Haupt, is an online learning experience for our uncertain times: 9 journeys of bite-sized self-directed learning to step into a new paradigm where the explorer is able to confidently navigate the confusing times we find ourselves in. Short video content, case studies, practical tools, applied learning exercises: everything an explorer needs to navigate the times when the deep structures and codes of civilization themselves are in flux. 

When Do the Journeys Start & Finish?

Maps to each journey are delivered automatically, in sequence as each previous journey is completed. The learning is self-paced and there is no expiration date.

For How Long Does the Recipient Have Access to the Journey Maps?

After creating an account, the recipient has unlimited access to all journeys for as long as they like - across any and all devices they own. They can come back to it time and time again throughout their life for a refresher...

They ALSO have lifetime access to the extensive research database that each journey will link you to.

What is covered in Each of the Journey Maps?

For a full description of the Roadmap for a Time Between Worlds, including sample content, see the program page.

Who is The Roadmap for?

The roadmap is for anyone 18 years and older who can sense there is something else unfolding beyond what is reported on the surface, but can't quite get a sense of what it is. It is especially valuable to those who are struggling to make decisions because they are concerned about what the future may hold.

What is the Valley of Grace?

The Valley of Grace is a stunning valley 90 mins from Cape Town South Africa, where 20,000 people have come together to create the world's first denizen-led, mutual coordination of bioregional production, distribution, and waste management, fully informed by indigenous principles and practices. Learn more here. The Valley is the result of the dedicated work of the Transition Collective, which the recipient will be introduced to on completion of the Roadmap.

What If The Roadmap Just Isn't For the Recipient?

No problem at all! We would never want you or your recipient to be unhappy with your purchase. So if either of you are not totally satisfied with your purchase, please contact us as soon as you know the roadmap isn't for you. We will resolve any issues as quickly as possible, but if it's clear the roadmap isn't right for your circumstances, we will give you a full refund, when requested within 30 days.